Sunday, September 21, 2014

13 Days left at the CTM!

Okay so I’m still in the awkward/terrific trio! haha Elder Echohawk (that’s his name) is super cool, and he is from Pocatello, Idaho. He is this short, but super buff guy and his testimony is as strong as he is! He is like a beast! Haha, but seriously he is a great Elder and has truly been awesome in learning Portuguese so fast. He is really similar to me. He is going to Fortaleza East. Elder Andrews is my other companion and he is from Sugar City, Idaho and is great. He is a 1/4 Korean so at first the language was hard but now he is great, and getting better day by day! We are doing really well transitioning while teaching. Oh there are 6 other missionaries that are going to Floripa with me the same day, Blanchard and Bergquist in my district, then Morales and Mericado and these two Northern Uruguayans that just got here that all go out with me.

I have been great of health; only the first week of Provo did I need to use musicnex! I still have a ton of meds left. I am so grateful for the tons of tissue you sent.

Oh like during physical activity we always play basketball, never would've thought I would be so excited to play bball before, but it’s our district main activity and we are awesome. We can bust our butts at work, and we can also have fun! I've also been running 1/2 a mile a day and doing 50+ push-ups and sit-ups so I am trying to stay in shape.

Oh check MISSIONTIES.COM they have this store called Mr. Cheneys right across the street. It is like the of Brazil. You were right dad about the letters; they are like manna from Heaven.

We get to go proselytizing this Friday, and we are supposed to give out two BOMs (Book of Mormon)! Crazy we get to go somewhere in busy downtown Sao Paulo! The lord’s hand has been so evident in my time in the MTC! Sometimes I get down on myself and stuff and the times I need it most I get a letter from you or I learn something amazing in the devotionals or the spirit just picks me up! The lord’s hand is definitely in this work! Last week was probably the hardest week as a whole in the CTM. We learned about hot to be better at planning and man was that a trip! I never knew I could get so much done in 1 hour before. Managing my time has been an amazing blessing. Another thing I have learned is that it is good to be quiet sometimes during a lesson, sometimes I feel like the conversation needs to constantly be going but as we listen to the promptings of the spirit and hear the person we are talking to heart to heart this message of happiness can touch their lives! I also learned that you don’t need to exactly teach a lesson for it to be productive, as long as the spirit is there, we bear testimony and the people are keeping commitments it was a good lesson. Also how loving the lord is and as we are humble and ask him to guide us he has our back and will watch out for us! One of the scriptures I really like this week is John 3, versus 16 and 17. This week I also learned a little about when we lose ourselves in this work we can be saved and find ourselves. So very true!! HOLY TABS has been amazing but super long! I finished the Book of Mormon, and I am half way through the Bible, my goal is to finish by the end of CTM.

Service here is just simple things like dusting and stuff so I will be happy to do legit service out in the field! I can't wait to serve.

Okay so I leave the CTM and head to the airport on Sept 30 early am and fly to Florianopolis and get to my mission that day! 13 days!!!!! It’s crazy! So next pday will be my last one in the CTM.

I am definitely progressing in talking and especially writing in Portuguese. Yesterday we have our weekly goals and Tuesday is when we only speak Portuguese and man was that tough, but it has become so much easier then before! Oh also pday last week was super dope. We went to the post office, and to Dia (grocery store). Dia is the exact same store just like Spain, same logo same food! haha. I have already realized that I am thankful and humble for living in America. Some places here are great, but there was this one house under a freeway bridge overpass that was made out of only plywood and people live there! Its crazy! LOVE YOU ALL some much JESUS CHRIST truly is our Savior and only through him and his atonement and example can we return!

Love you guys, families are eternal!

Elder Moore

PS. I have like 200 pics and can’t send any here at the CTM so brace yourself when I get to the field. Also I have been sleeping well! It’s funny because I get more sleep here then I did during my senior year haha.

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