Monday, March 16, 2015

Its about to become super crazy busy!!!

Transfer Week,
Well I am staying here in Joaçaba this next transfer with Elder Cardenas! So there were four of us in our apartment, and honestly we got along very well. We all worked well together and both companionships worked super hard and were super busy teaching! But since there were 22 missionaries that finished their missions and only 9 that arrived, they had to reduce to only 2 elders in some areas. So in our apartment Elder Lima finished his mission, I am now companions with his companion Elder Cardenas. My companion, E. Zamorano is now our zone leader in Videira! Elder Cardenas is a little older, he joined the church at 23 and a few years later he is here on a mission, he has been out here one more transfer than me, and he is from Argentina. I am super excited to serve with him, he likes to work really hard also so yeah I have been very blessed these past two transfers with my companions, and I get to see Zamorano at zone meetings and stuff so its all good! We were busy before these transfers and now with only 1 companionship of missionaries we are going to have to plan to the max and be smart! We are going to have lots of work! I love it! Nothing better than teaching all the time!!!

Saturday Elder Lima departed for Floripa to head home, he had to depart Saturday because Sunday there was these huge protests all over Brazil against the Brazilian president. We were only allowed to go to church and then we had to stay in the apartment the rest of the day.

Things are going great here in Joaçaba, one of our investigators, Vanderliea, got baptized! She is awesome, and it was a great baptism. We had a lot of investigators at church again, so hopefully this transfer they will all continue to progress. We had another visit with Talita, she wants to be baptized, the only problem is her stepdad won’t let her be baptized, because he belongs to another church. He is not active in the church, but he won’t let his stepdaughter be baptized. We are hoping we can work with the family. What is interesting is this week I went on divisions with Elder Cardenas a lot, and we visited some really cool families. Now I am going to get to teach all of these really cool families.

Justin, hey man I hope you are enjoying spring break, because out here on the mission there isn’t any of that, hahaha. One thing I have learned on the mission is that to make a successful companionship or family, you have to be willing to do the little things and sacrifice for the betterment of all. You have to do it daily, if it is only 1 or 2 times a week it won’t be as productive as it could be. There are a lot of little things you don’t need to wait for the mission to learn, simple things like cleaning up your room, dishes, doing little things for people, always trying to smile and be friendly, be more patient, love people more, focus on the positives in everyone no matter how different they may be, remember we are all God’s children. There are so many things that I have learned here on the mission that I should’ve learned and practiced prior to the mission.

Scripture study for the week was D&C 130:19, it talks about the importance of learning and progressing in this life because it will help us in the next.

Love you all,

Elder Moore
Family Home Evening with members and investigators

We love to eat Ice Cream!!

District meeting in Campos Novos

Vanderliea baptism

Vanderliea baptism

Filling the baptismal font

Youth in the branch at the baptism

Saying bye to Elder Lima (he is headed home)

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